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Electronic Circuits

Electronic Circuits

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Developer's DescriptionBy SoftecksAn electronic circuit is composed of individual electronic components, such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes...An electronic circuit is composed of individual electronic components, such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes, connected by conductive wires or traces through which electric current can flow. The combination of components and wires allows various simple and complex operations to be performed: signals can be amplified, computations can be performed, and data can be moved from one place to another.This App is intended for beginners in the field of Electronics and Communications and hence, it would be useful for most students. It has been designed keeping in mind the requirements of beginners who are interested in learning the functionalities of basic circuits used in Electronics and Communication. Topics Covered in this App are Listed BelowIntroductionSignalsLinear Wave ShapingNonlinear Wave ShapingPositive Clipper CircuitsNegative Clipper CircuitsClamper CircuitsLimiter and Voltage MultiplierDiode as a SwitchPower SuppliesRectifiersFull Wave RectifiersFiltersRegulatorsSMPSElectronic ComponentsTransistors & Integrated CircuitSimple Light Sensitivity Metronome Using TransistorsSignals & NotationsSignum Function, Unit Parabolic, Exponential & Rectangular SignalInductorBasic inductance formula for a cylindrical coilQuality of good inductorInductor and Direct Current Voltage (DC)Dependent SourcesNodal AnalysisMesh AnalysisDiagnostic and Testing EquipmentOhmmeterVoltmeterMultimeter, OscilloscopeTHE STRUCTURE OF ATOMSELECTRIC CURRENTPOTENTIAL DIFFERENCERESISTORSHow are Resistors made?THE CARBON COMPOSITION RESISTORCARBON FILM RESISTORSMetal oxide resistors & Metal film resistorsTHE VARIABLE RESISTORRESISTOR VALUES AND MARKINGSBATTERIESSEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALSREVERSE RECOVERY TIMEDerived SI UnitsPIECEWISE LINEAR ANALYSISBOOLEAN LOGICCOMBINATIONAL GATESDC Lighting CircuitRain AlarmSimple Temperature MonitorTouch Sensor CircuitMultimeter Circuit
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