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Developer's DescriptionBy othmane andoappThe best precaution to AIDS is to know about it.The best precaution to AIDS is to know about it. Anyone can catch this disease and may not know for a long time until it starts to show major symptoms. The app will provide you all kind of information on AIDS as well as other reliable sources where you can read all about the disease. Its a one of its kind app, designed to spread awareness about the disease so that the user can take proper measures to avoid it. Whether youre someone who needs to be cautious about their health or know someone who has been suffering from HIV infection, this app will assist you in one way or another by providing the necessary information.What AIDS app has to offer?Complete information about HIV/AIDS (causes, symptoms, prevention etc)Articles and external links on the topicVaccines and Treatments for HIV/AIDSGlossary of HIV/AIDS-related terms30+ Tips for preventing HIV/AIDS13 common Misconceptions about HIVLearn the 9 early Symptoms of HIV/AIDSTypes of HIV testsDaily health tips and moreHow this app will make a difference?Creating awareness about HIV/AIDS is not one mans job but requires a combined effort. Only when we know about it and start talking to others abut it without any hesitation, we can make a difference and prevent any more cases of HIV/AIDS. This app is a small but effective step to provide hands on information to everyone about the disease so that you can stay informed and pass the same information to others in need.About this initiativeAIDS app is created as an initiative to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS among people, as a part of the World AIDS Day 2017. The initiative is launched by a team of doctors from Department of Community Medicines, KSHEMA, NITTE University.