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BARD Mobile

BARD Mobile

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Developer's DescriptionBy Library of CongressAccess and read talking books from NLS BARD on your Android device!A service of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), Library of CongressThe BARD Mobile app provides access to talking books from the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) site. BARD contains nearly 65,000 talking books, magazines, and braille music scores, with new selections added daily.With BARD Mobile, you can play talking books and magazines on your Android device. To use BARD Mobile, you must first be registered with a braille and talking book library in the NLS network of cooperating libraries. If you arent registered with a library but believe that you qualify for this service because you have a visual impairment or physical disability that prevents you from reading regular print, locate your local library at or call 1-800-NLS-READ to apply for service. Once you are registered, you may then sign up for a BARD account and receive your BARD user name and password. Download the free BARD Mobile app and sign in with your BARD user name and password to get started. You will only need to do this the first time you use the app. The app contains a user manual that you may access through the Bookshelf feature.The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), Library of Congress, administers the braille and talking book program, a free library service available to residents of the United States and its territories and American citizens living abroad whose low vision, blindness, or physical disability makes reading regular print difficult. Through its national network of cooperating libraries, NLS mails digital audio players and audio and braille books and magazines directly to enrollees at no cost. Music scores, instructional, and appreciation materials are available in large-print, braille, and recorded formats. Some materials may also be downloaded online or via Android devices. For more information, visit or call 1-888-NLS-READ (1-888-657-7323).Recent changes:Bug fixes.Content rating: Everyone
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