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Developer's DescriptionBy AtomuskLearn japanese hiragana, katakana and kanji, and test yourself by drawing, or multiple choice.New Tablet design (experimental)This application...Learn japanese hiragana, katakana and kanji, and test yourself by drawing, or multiple choice.New Tablet design (experimental)This application helps you memories:- Japanese syllabary :Katakana & Hiragana, with flash card, keyboard, or drawing recognition- Numbers, in romaji, Hiragana, or kanji - 2300+ japanese kanji's (level 1-5 JLPT or Jouyou 1-7) with stroke animation (source KanjiVG), translation, readings (Source KanjiDict) with flash card and drawing game.- 14600+ japanese words (in english) from EDICT with flash card test- Experimental gramatical particle test (around 100 sentences from project Tatoeba) central to japanese language.- new locales (German, Spanish, Russian, Portugues, Thai and Swedish added to French), if you can help me adding new locales please contact me.SD write authorisation for write Database to SD card Analytic ( and Ads can be disabled in the settings. -- If at install you have an error "unknown 18", try to remove your MicroSD car and install again. If it still don't work try to send me a mail (thanks for the help Matthiew)Recent changes:- New Thai interface translation (thanks to all the translators !- still searching for more !)- added possibility to change font (in settings) and to import/export personnal lists (experimental go to the blog for more info !)- 67 new kanji (by request ;) ) and matched vocabulary Many bug fix : Thanks to those who reported!- display during text not working - missing test mode- 0 stroke kanji- wrong kanji displayed on test- many force close ...Content rating: Everyone
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