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Islamic Calendar

Islamic Calendar

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Developer's DescriptionBy QuranReading.comLearn the Hijri dates.Islamic Calendar is a beautiful application containing information about Hijri dates for Muslims along with their Gregorian conversions. Application is in a beautiful classic theme to give this application a unique and a different look. The app is a great help for Muslims, living in place where Muslims are in minority. It is difficult for them to know different Hijri dates and do specific worships accordingly. Islamic calendar contains number of great features to help Muslims in this regard. Information about salient features is as following: Calendar Variation - As name specifies the application is especially for Muslims but it really does not means it contains only Hijri dates. Application provides you an option in selection. If you are comfortable with Gregorian calendar, keep using it and if you want Hijri calendar then switch to it. This selection will display the particular version for display. Islamic Events - In such a busy life it is difficult to remember dates and especially when they belongs to Hijri calendar, because we are in habit of remembering English months and have minimum knowledge about Islamic dates. This becomes easier with indication of special Islamic dates on calendar display. Date Converter - Furthermore, application provides you another great feature in which you can convert particular date into specific version. Just enter one form of date and you will get the other in seconds.
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