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Developer's DescriptionBy Smart eDevelopersCollection of Du'a from authentic sources.Collection of authentic Du'a compiled by Abu Abdir-Rahman Abdillah bin Ahmad Al-IryaaneeAbout the Author: As-Shaykh Abdullah Al-Iryaanee hafidhahullah was from the major students of Al-Allamah Muqbil bin Hadee Al-Wadiyee rahimahullahu taala, then after him he benefited from the classes of Ash-Shaykh Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajoorie hafidhahullahu taala. And he had taught in Daarul-Hadeeth Dammaj and also in several of institutions in Yemen lessons of vast numbers known by the muslims. He is from the famous callers in the land of Yemen and from those who are steadfast upon the sunnah and advisers upon the salafi manhaj-------------------- . . .-------------------------------(Taken from: http://sh-eryani.com/sh_tran.html)Content rating: Everyone