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Essential Oils & More

Essential Oils & More

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Developer's DescriptionBy BarkajoloQuick reference for 62 essential oils and 234 health conditions.Essential Oils & More is a free comprehensive guide for learning about essential oils, using them in your everyday life, and sharing essential oils with your friends via messaging or on your favorite social networks.It covers:* 234 health conditions *62 essential oils*19 oil blends* general guidelines for use* no ads !The app features a guide section that details over 230 health conditions for which essential oils are commonly used to help support the bodys natural ability to heal itself. Additionally, you can find information on over 40 single oils and 19 commercially-available oil blends that will help you better understand and use essential oils.Using this app will help you discover how aromatherapy can benefit your everyday life, improve your health and well-being naturally. The app also includes essential oil application instructions and protocols.In order to maintain brand neutrality for FDA Compliance, the oils and blends names presented utilize generic descriptive names rather than doTERRA brand.Use your app when meeting with your clients, even if there is no internet connection!DISCLAIMER: The information is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have used essential oils and has not been reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns consult your doctor. Essential oils work to help bring the body into balance - thus helping the body's natural defenses restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not used to "treat" medical problems.Content rating: Everyone
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