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Halakoo Khan History Offline in Urdu

Halakoo Khan History Offline in Urdu

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Developer's DescriptionBy ChiLLaX DoLLRead Offline book Halakoo Khan History Offline in Urdu Hulaku Khan from1217 to February 8, 1265 was a Mongol ruler who conquered to a great...Read Offline book Halakoo Khan History Offline in Urdu Hulaku Khan from1217 to February 8, 1265 was a Mongol ruler who conquered to a great extent lot of Western Asia. Son of Tolui and the Karaite princess Sorghaghtani Beki, he was a grandson of Chengaiz Khan and brother of Ariq Boke, Mongke Khan, and Kublai Khan. Hulaku khan significantly extended the southwestern portion of the Mongol Empire, founding the Ilkhanate of Persia. This android app contains a brief history about Halaku Khan Mongol Ruler in Urdu, its victorious fighting battle and many more. Halakoo Pepole invaded the muslim world first in the leadership of Chengiz Khan and later Halakoo was a large tribe in central AsiaApp Features are:* App Zoom in and Zoom out* Halakoo Khan History Offline in Urdu
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