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Developer's DescriptionBy Jack HollowA simple app put together to simulate certain properties of orbital dynamics and attitude control for a satellite in orbit around the Earth.A simple app put together to simulate certain properties of orbital dynamics and attitude control for a satellite in orbit around the Earth.Currently allows the following controls:- add any number of satellites in various orbits from LEO to beyond GEO- set satellites principle moments of inertia- set 3 axis rotational rates and see cross coupling effects (integration starts when you release the button)- fire main engine along or against orbit to raise or lower semi major axisFuture work would be nice:- have engine work in any arbitrary direction to allow change of eccentricity and inclination- add other (genuine) satellite types- put satellites in eclipse behind earthThis was written to try out some of the maths covered in a university course I was taking, and isn't meant to be more than a bit of general interest.Really optimised for a display of 960x540. Only been tested on a very limited selection of devices ...