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Developer's DescriptionBy Nikolai AppsAllows you to discover where many of the objects above earth are at any time and place.Allows you to discover where many of the objects above earth are at any time and place.Satellites, rocket bodies, debris, planets, the moon, the international space station, and some stars, can be viewed at the time and place of your choosing (past, present, and future). You can view actual position locations using your phone's camera, calculate coordinates and see them on a map, playback future/past position events, or even save the data to be used somewhere else. Does not require an internet connection to perform calculations and no personal data is ever stored outside of your device.Features include:-No advertisements or fees (completely free)-Augmented camera view with outlines and travel paths (*requires calibration, compass, and accelerometer)-3d globe view of current locations-Calculating positions/coordinates at any time and place-Searching a vast catalog of satellites, rocket bodies, and debris to track-Information retrieval of nearly all objects-Saving data locally and/or to some cloud based storage solutions-Automatic updating of satellite TLE's (configurable)-Multiple languages (currently English and Spanish)-Many options for personalization (themes, displays, and more)-No internet connection required for calculations (can be run anywhere as long as a location and time are available)Special thanks to Space-Track, Celestrak, N2YO, and NASA for their continued satellite information. Also thanks to Lee Mette from the Noun Project for the satellite icon, Moozarov for the planet icons from the to infinity and beyond set, and map tiles by Stamen Design.Explanation of permissions:-android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: (Optional) Get location for calculations if not using pre-saved/manual. Uses only coarse, but also helps widgets to update sooner if using current location.-android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE & android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: Checks if connected to internet.-android.permission.CAMERA: (Optional) Used for augmented view.-android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE: Allows update status notifications.-android.permission.INTERNET: (Optional) Get updated satellite information (TLE's only), save any desired cloud data, translates English only information to other languages, and saves non English satellite information translations to our website to speed up future access (if you allow it).-android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Get saved data.-android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Update any widgets.-android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: Allow updates to finish.-android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Save any desired data.