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Developer's DescriptionBy EduGorilla TestSeries3Preparing for DRDO Trade Apprentice Exam. Download the No.Preparing for DRDO Trade Apprentice Exam? Download the No. 1 Vernacular Test Series app #EduGorilla and get:- 17,201+ mocks for 550+ competitive exams- Questions that you would probably get in DRDO Trades Exam- A multitude of DRDO Trade Apprentice mocks, sectional tests, and previous year papers- Tests in both English and HindiAbout DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) Exam:DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) is conducted online by the Defence Research and Development organization to assess candidates for various Trade Apprentice posts like Fitter, Electrician, Mechanic and Multi Skilled Worker. DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) is one of the most desirable exams in the Defence field and comes with a lot of perks exclusively available to Militants. This app helps you to prepare for the DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) exam by providing the best test series. You can practice free mock tests of DRDO Trades exam online and achieve success.DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) Exam App Details:DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) mock test app helps you prepare for Domain section by providing questions based on the latest exam patternDRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) online test series provides syllabus-wise unique English, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning questionsPrevious year papers and mock tests are also provided for better practice of DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) ExamDRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) Online Test Series:Practice DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) online test series only on EduGorilla. The test series are specially designed keeping in mind the level of DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) Exam. All the mock tests are based on the updated exam pattern and can be accessed online 24*7.In DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) Mock Test:Get more than 100 mock tests for DRDO Trades. The test series get updated on a regular basis. You will get new mock tests for DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) that can be accessed online anywhere anytime. Sectional tests and topic-wise mock tests are also given to help you practice more.Key Features of EduGorillas DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) Test Series:EduGorilla offers a lot of features in its DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) test seriesExams covered: DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) Mock Tests and Topic-wise testsMore than 30 mock tests and sectional tests are available247 Online AccessPersonalized Performance Analysis of your mock test with your All India & State RankSubjects Covered:Section AGeneral Awareness- History, Polity, Constitution, Sports, Arts & Culture, Geography, Economics, Everyday Science, Research, National & International OrganizationsReasoning- Analogies, Arithmetical Computation, Observation, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Discrimination, Space Visualization, Similarities, Differences, SeriesQuantitative Aptitude- Number Systems, Simplification, Decimals, DI, L.C.M, H.C.F, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Mensuration, Speed & Distance, Time & Work,English Language Competency - Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, UsageSection BElec./Mech.- Tools, Cables, Batteries, Transformers, AC & DC, Soldering techniques, IC, Transistors, Amplifier, Sensors, Microcontroller, Analog & Digital, SMPS, SMD, MOSFET & IGBT, UPS, LCD, LED, Fiber Optics, Digital Panel, Basic ComputersAlerts and Updates:Now practice EduGorilla DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) series on the go! Get regular alerts and latest updates of DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) Exam like exam notifications, important dates, syllabus, etc.Practice free mock tests and various online topic-wise tests on the EduGorilla DRDO Trade Apprentice (Elec./Mech.) App.