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Developer's DescriptionBy UberWoundCareUWoundCare Inc (R) provides telemedicine wound consults to patients then local nurses come to your location.UWoundCare Inc (R) provides telemedicine wound consults to patients then local nurses come to your location. Our nurses are actively working in hospitals and other facilities and make their time available to come to you for the extra care to get your wounds healed.Using our combination of services you as a patient:. Speak with a physician face-to-face on video with HIPAA privacy compliance for wound assessment.. Select a nurse of physical therapist in your local area to perform wound care. Supplies are shipped to your location for use by the nurse, along with training you and family, friends, caregiversNurses:. Receive a per visit payment; a reimbursement pool is kept aside to profit-share when wounds are healed sooner. Training is provided via webinar and live sessions (depending on your location) when you sign up on:- Wound Care, our formulary and what is expected of you with assessment and treatment- Electronic Wound Specific health record with wound camera technology, meeting Meaningful use standards. Nurses set your schedule "as little as 2 hours per week", ideally on your way to or from work, or other times. You do not need to drive around with supplies in your care; we ship them to patients location ahead of you.. You can communicate with patients and physicians with HIPAA privacy laws assured.Doctors:. Receive a per telemedicine consult and write home health orders for patients for nursing visits. Training is provided via webinar and live sessions (depending on your location) when you sign up.. You can communicate with patients and nurses with HIPAA privacy laws assured.. Standards of care are developed to ensure treatments and dressings are applied with photographic evidence.. You can work as little or as much as you like, typical consults take 15 minutes start to finishHome Health Agencies:. We develop our wound care program with YOU.. Utilize nurses and MD's within your organization and those locally to augment your ability to give care. Focused wound standards allow for you to provide excellent healing times for your patients.. Targeted wound care plans increase healing time with our formulary without degrading reimbursementsWe accept private pay, private insurance, and Medicare/Medicaid depending on the agency you will be affiliated with.PATENT PENDING, TRADEMARK 2016 UBERWOUNDCARE, INC, COPYRIGHT 2006, 2009, 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDUWC (R) 20162880 ZANKER ROAD SUITE 203SAN JOSE, CA 95134866-310-2314UWoundCare.com