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Developer's DescriptionBy Jos SnchezPokedex bsico con la informacin general de los pokemons actuales.Pokedex bsico con la informacin general de los pokemons actuales.Lista con mas de 900 pokemons y sus caractersticas generales (imgenes, ataque, defensa, vida, tipo, altura y peso), informacin consultada con la API "pokeapi".Dark Mode disponible!* Disclaimer *pokedex - pokeapi is an unofficial, free fan made app and is NOT affiliated, endorsed or supported by Nintendo, GAME FREAK or The Pokmon company in any way.Some images used in this app are copyrighted and are supported under fair use.Pokmon and Pokmon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.No copyright infringement intended.Pokmon 2002-2019 Pokmon. 1995-2019 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.