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Developer's DescriptionBy Han JungHoonCreating cartoons has been developed to make cartoons with ease.Creating cartoons has been developed to make cartoons with ease.Now you can create your own story, even if you do not have money, and you can edit it.main function1. Create- You can select a background by selecting an empty background, album, or camera.- You can select a background by utilizing existing background image.- draw using pen tool and filter on selected background2. Decorating1) Speech bubble- It is possible to decorate speech bubbles on cartoons created.2) letter- It is possible to insert letters on the created cartoons.3) Sticker- You can decorate the moon cartoons with sticker emoticons.3. Story- You can select individual cartoons and make them into stories.- It can be checked by normal view, side view, and view.4. Communication- You can share your own story to SNS.Creating a cartoon requires the following permissions to create a simple cartoon:- External Storage Read / Write: The permission to read and save the cartoon on the SD card.- Phone information: Permission to request device information for statistics.- Camera: Permission to request camera function for cartoon background.- Account Information: This is the right to ask for setting the device name when you first create a cartoon.Contact Developer : omaro7@hanmail.net