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Developer's DescriptionBy Sparkle SolutionsPocket PC Magazine, the foremost magazine for Pocket PC and SmartPhones has rated Universal Converter as...Pocket PC Magazine, the foremost magazine for Pocket PC and SmartPhones has rated Universal Converter asThe Behemoth of Converters and An Application that made traveling easier.* Available in English, Franais, Espaol, Italiano, Deutsch, Portugus & Nederlands *Universal Converter Pro is a conversion calculator that can quickly and easy translate different units of measure. It consists of 62 Categories with 1323 Units and 54494 Conversions. Calculated values and results can be shared to social media, mail, messages and other sharing apps.AccelerationAngleAreaAstronomyBrix & Baume DegreesChargeClothing (Men)Clothing (Women)Clothing (Ring Size)ColorCookingData TransferDensityElectric CurrentElectric PotentialElectrical CapacitanceElectrical ConductanceElectrical ConductivityElectrical Field StrengthElectrical InductanceElectrical ResistanceElectrical ResistivityEnergy/WorkFlow Rate (Mass)Flow Rate (Volume)FluidForceFrequencyFuel ConsumptionHardnessLengthLight (Illuminance)Light (Luminance)Magnetic FluxMassMemory (Computer)Metric WeightMetrologyMoment of ForceMoment of InertiaMoney CounterNumber (Roman Number)PercentagePermeabilityPowerPrefixesPressureRadiationSoundSpecific Heat CapacitySpecific VolumeTemperatureThermal ConductivityThermal ExpansionTimeTorqueTypographyVelocityViscosity (Dynamic)Viscosity (Oil & Water)Viscosity (Kinematic)VolumeKey Features:Calculated values and results can be shared to social media, mail, messages and other sharing apps.Automatic calculation of values based on input.Automatic Calculation of values based on units.Values of higher order can also be converted.Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds up data entry and conversion speed.Easy and Very Simple to Use.Complete Educational and Engineering Dictionary