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Doctor for animals

Doctor for animals

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Developer's DescriptionBy YovoGamesWhen an adult or a child gets hurt or ill they definitely needs care and...When an adult or a child gets hurt or ill they definitely needs care andtreatment. And only a hospital and a real doctor can help him to get well. Afterall, only a good doctor can cure even the most serious illness! The samething happens to animals. Practically children's and animal hospitals arentdifferent; both children and animals need emergency medical care. And togive your kids a positive experience of visiting a hospital and being afraid ofno doctors we created this fascinating game which continues our series ofeducational games for children: Bear the Doctor."Playing the game your baby have an opportunity to find out what to be doctorreally is, what he does. Children can try his hands and find out how patientsare treated and how they can be treated as soon as possible. Baby learnsvarious types of treatment for diseases and all kinds of injuries, treat animalsfor fractures, dislocations, colds, eye and ear diseases. Drive an ambulanceand quickly rush to the victim to help. Perform operations and save virtualpets from all kinds of health problems. Understand what an ambulance is andhow it saves patients.Our game about doctor is very informative and fascinating. It can show yourbaby a lot of interesting things. And if your child likes to play games abouthospitals this one is a godsend. Come on! The animal clinic is already open!Start treating! Prove that you are the best doctor in the whole world!Be sure to visit our website at http://yovogames.comYoutube:
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