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Developer's DescriptionBy S4CCroeso i Fyd Cyw - ap llawn hwyl i blant chwilfrydig syn dwlu ar gemau, straeon a chaneuon.Croeso i Fyd Cyw - ap llawn hwyl i blant chwilfrydig syn dwlu ar gemau, straeon a chaneuon.Wedii osod ym myd lliwgar brand meithrin S4C, maer ap yn cynnwys gwahanol ardaloedd i blant chwarae a fforio gydau hoff gymeriadau. Mae gweithgaredd arbennig i bob ardal, a llond lle o bethau i chwarae nhw - felly cofiwch dapio popeth ar y sgrin i ddod r byd yn fyw.Gall plant dyfu blodau, ffrwythau a llysiau or hadau yng ngardd Cyw, a rhoi eu cynnyrch i Bolgi ei fwyta wrth wrando ar ganeuon Cyw ar y radio. Yn ardal Llew, gallan nhw drefnur blodau o ardd Cyw a chwarae pl. Gall defnyddwyr newid rhwng dydd a nos, i ganu gydar caneuon yn ystod y dydd a gwrando ar straeon amser gwely wrth ir sr ddisgleirio.Gydag ystod o gemau iw chwarae, mae llawer i fechgyn a merched ei brofi. Yn Gm y Fferm, mae modd dewis sut i reoli tractor wrth fedi cnydaur fferm, gan glirio pob cae cyn symud mlaen. Wrth ir haul fachlud, gall chwaraewyr cystadleuol geisio am sgr uchel a chasglu sr.Gall chwaraewyr helpu Bolgi gasglu ei hoff fwydydd yn y gem Bwydo Bolgi syn gm blatfform freuddwydiol i drio casglu gymaint phosib o brydau cyn iddo ddeffro?Wrth ddefnyddior ap, gall plant ennill gwobrau a datgloi nodweddion arbennig fel cn newydd ir radio neu hedyn newydd ir ardd, mae ennill gwobrau yn adborth positif i blant ifanc ac yn eu hannog i ddal ati.Maer ap Cymraeg yma yn fodd o annog chwarae a darganfod, felly gall siaradwyr rhugl a dysgwyr gael budd oi ddefnyddio. Mae hefyd adran gyda chyfrinair i oedolion, syn rhoi gwybodaeth ir rhiant am ddefnydd eu plentyn or ap. Yn ogystal, mae modd golygu proffiliau a mae yma ddolenni i wybodaeth pellach.Bydd mwy o gynnwys yn cael ei ryddhau dros amser - mae mwy o ganeuon, gemau, straeon a gwobrau i ddod!Welcome to the world of Cyw - a fun filled app for kids who love games, stories, songs and exploration!Based in the colourful world of S4Cs preschool brand, the Cyw app features different play zones for kids to explore with their favourite Cyw characters. In each zone is a special activity and loads of things to interact with - so be sure to click on everything to bring the characters and the world to life!Kids can grow flowers, fruit and vegetables from seeds in Cyws garden, and feed Bolgi their homegrown garden produce while listening to his radio. In Llews zone, players arrange flowers that theyve grown and picked from their garden, and play ball. Toggle between the Day and Night modes to sing along with Cyw songs in the sunshine, and listen to original bedtime stories when the stars start to twinkle.With a range of mini games to play, there is plenty for both boys and girls to try out and discover. In Gem y Fferm, players customise their tractor controls and harvest the farmers crops, aiming to clear the field before moving on. With the timer turning from dawn to dusk, competitive players can aim for the best score and collect stars based on how they play. In Bwydo Bolgi, players help Bolgi collect all his favourite food in a dreamlike platform game, how much can you get before he wakes up!By engaging with the app, kids can also earn rewards and unlock special bonus features. Whether its a new song to add to the library or a new seed to plant and grow in Cyws garden, earning rewards provides positive feedback and encourages young kids to try new things.With up to four profiles available in the app, kids can cultivate, play with and explore their own little Cyw World, even on shared devices. There is also a password-protected Parents Hub, which allows parents and guardians an insight into how kids are using the app, abilities to edit profiles, as well as links to further information, activities and resources.This Welsh language app is all about encouraging play and exploration, so both fluent and non-native Welsh speakers will be able to benefit and learn from Cyw World.Coming soon... even more games and rewards to look forward to!