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Developer's DescriptionBy GrenxaPeskac game is a classic cards game mostly played by Albanians.Peskac game is a classic cards game mostly played by Albanians. The game is played by 4 players and contains two sub games: the game of Minuses and the game of Sevens. Games are played repeatedly five times, one after each.Rules of Minuses game:Each player gets 13 cards from A to K (no Jokers are used) at the beginning of the game. The game starts by dealing the 2 card. Each player should play one card matching the suit of the Hand's first card. If they are not able to do so, they can play any card. Every four cards played, is called a Hand. The first player which start the Hand can play any card. The Hand is won by the player who played the highest value card of the suit that was led. Hand's points are calculated as follows:K: - 16Q: -62, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, K, A: -2Q, Q, Q: -4Other suits have no pointsEach Hand itself has +2 points.Players should gather lesser negative points if they're not able to get positive ones.Rules of Sevens game:Each player gets 13 cards at once. The game starts with the 7 of Diamonds then players should place cards of same suit in order to be one greater or lower in value than the last card placed. Players can also open another 7 card and continue playing likewise. If a player doesn't have a playable card, the previous player passes him a card and so on. Game continues till there is just one player left with cards in his hand. Players should play cards till no cards are left. The first player who finishes his cards gets 32 points, the second 16, the third 8 and the last one gets 4 points.in Albanian:Loja Peska, sht nj loj klasike me letra, mjaft e njohur pr shqiptart. Loja luhet me katr persona dhe prbhet nga dy nnloj:-Loja e Kupave ose si njihet ndryshe edhe si loja e Minuseve-Loja e Shtatave.N lojn e Kupave, letrat ndahen duke i ln do lojtari 13 letra. Pasi ndahen letrat, lojtart jan t detyruar t hedhin njri pas tjetrit, nga nj letr, ku nj katrshe letrash e hedhur quhet Dor. Loja q n fillim niset me 2, pastaj n do dor hidhet sipas lules s letrs q sht hedhur n fillim t Dors prkatse, dhe nse nuk kemi nga ajo lule mund t hedhim nj letr me lule fardo. Pasi kan hedhur t gjith lojtart nga nj letr, letrat i merr lojtari me lulen m t madhe, sipas letrs s par t Dors. do letr ka pikt e saj prkatse (+ ose -), ku letra me m shum pik minus sht K. Lojtart mundohen t marin sa m pak pik minus ose nse sht e mundur edhe plus.N lojn e Shtatave lojtart marin nga 13 letra dhe fillojne lojen me lojtarin qe ka 7 karro. Pastaj me rradhe hedhin letra nje me te madhe se letra e fundit e hedhur. psh: 8karro, 9 karroetj. LLojtaret mund te hapin nje shtate tjeter ose te kerkojne leter mga lojtari pararendes nese nuk kane leter te mundshme per ta hedhur.Presim mbshtetjen dhe sugjerimet tuaja.Faleminderit!