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No Warriors Left Behind

No Warriors Left Behind

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Developer's DescriptionBy Rey CentenoWith my mobile application, I will be providing tools to veterans in need to prevent suicide.With my mobile application, I will be providing tools to veterans in need to prevent suicide. At the same time, I will be able to market goods and services to approximately 20 million veterans. Features of the app include resources, veteran owned businesses, my blog, an area to bring the veteran community together, a crisis phone number connecting users to a live person. I plan to include calendar with local events, when one inputs their zip code.I will be providing resources to veterans in need to prevent suicide. The resources will include organizations that help veterans, without the veteran having to spend valuable or critical time to research. In the same application, there will be a two-tap process to connect the user to Vets4Warriors, a toll-free 24 hour/7 day a week hotline for veterans and their families.My application is very different, as nothing like it exists. There is no other application that has the crisis phone number integrated in it and there is not another application that has compiled all the different organizations committed to help veterans in one place.I have had many people telling me my application looks as if it is going to save lives. The response of everyone I have shared my idea, and the application, with has been overwhelmingly positive. I have recently given 25 people an access to view the current version of the app, asking them to provide feedback. The statistic is 22 veteran suicides occur each day. This is an obvious problem. There are resources available, however there is not one program entirely dedicated to veteran resources. This is what the app will provide.
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