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MAGMA Indonesia

MAGMA Indonesia

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Developer's DescriptionBy Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana GeologiMAGMA Indonesia - Volcanic Information, Land Movement, Earthquakes and Tsunamis.MAGMA Indonesia adalah aplikasi yang menyajikan informasi dan rekomendasi secara quasi real-time mengenai kebencanaan geologi di Indonesia termasuk di antaranya Gunungapi, Gerakan Tanah, Gempa Bumi, dan Tsunami. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan secara mandiri oleh Tim Developer PNS di Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, Badan Geologi, Kementerian ESDM. MAGMA Indonesia dibangun untuk melayani masyarakat Indonesia dan juga masyarakat internasional. MAGMA Indonesia adalah terobosan baru yang dikembangkan Indonesia dalam rangka upaya mitigasi bencana geologi. Fitur-fitur informasi: 1. Informasi Aktivitas Gunungapi (Volcanic Activity Report/VAR). Informasi ini merupakan sistem peringatan dini gunungapi yang diolah dari data-data pelaporan rutin Pengamat Gunungapi dan Staf Mitigasi Gunungapi Indonesia menjadi informasi berupa peta lokasi, data dasar, data pengamatan visual dan instrumental, status tingkat aktivitas, rekomendasi bagi masyarakat maupun pengunjung yang beraktivitas di sekitar gunungapi, nama penyusun laporan dan sumber data. 2. Informasi Letusan/Abu Vulkanik untuk Penerbangan (Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation/VONA). Informasi ini merupakan sistem peringatan dini gunungapi untuk keselamatan penerbangan (nasional/internasional) yang melewati wilayah Indonesia berisi informasi peta lokasi dan waktu kejadian letusan/hembusan abu vulkanik, kode warna (level peringatan), tinggi kolom letusan, arah penyebaran abu vulkanik, nama penyusun laporan dan sumber data. 3. Informasi status tingkat aktivitas gunung api secara keseluruhan. 4. Informasi dan Tanggapan Gempabumi/Tsunami (Response On earthQuake/ROQ) yang menyajikan informasi dasar seperti peta lokasi dan waktu kejadian, magnitudo, kedalaman, simbol mekanisme gempabumi di sekitar lokasi gempa bumi, nama gunungapi terdekat pusat gempa bumi dan sumber data. Informasi lainnya yang dapat tersedia (namun tidak selalu) yaitu berupa intensitas gempa bumi (MMI) dan tanggapan yang berisi deskripsi, kondisi wilayah, mekanisme, dampak, rekomendasi dan nama penyusun laporan. 5. Informasi dan tanggapan kejadian Gerakan Tanah/Longsor (mitigaSI GERakan TANah/SIGERTAN) yang memuat informasi peta lokasi dan waktu kejadian, dampak, kondisi daerah bencana, kondisi gerakan tanah, kenampakan/dimensi, faktor penyebab, rekomendasi, nama penyusun laporan dan sumber data. 6. Siaran Pers (Press Release). Informasi kebencanaan geologi yang disajikan dalam bentuk list. 7. Pencarian nama lokasi bencana geologi. 8. Unduh Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunungapi, Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami maupun Peta Zona Kerentanan dan Peta Potensi Gerakan Tanah. Fitur-fitur Interaktif: 1. Peta bencana geologi yang menampilkan sebaran lokasi jenis bencana geologi beserta informasinya dilengkapi algoritma pengukur jarak antara posisi Pengguna dengan lokasi bencana geologi. 2. Lapor Bencana (Community Reporting System). Media bagi masyarakat melaporkan kejadian bencana geologi di sekitarnya maupun berasal dari informasi/berita terpercaya. 3. Lapor kejadian gempa bumi yang dirasakan (Laporan INtensitas gempa bumI/LINI). Media bagi masyarakat melaporkan kejadian gempa bumi yang dirasakan. 4. Pengaturan Notifikasi Kebencanaan Geologi. Pengguna bisa mengatur Notifikasi kebencanaan geologi yang diinginkan sesuai dengan potensi bahaya di daerahnya. Sumber data yang digunakan aplikasi MAGMA Indonesia: 1. Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), Badan Geologi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Data Dasar dan Laporan Tanggapan) 2. Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (Lokasi Gempa bumi) 3. United States Geological Survey (Lokasi Gempa bumi) 4. Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (Lokasi Gempa bumi) 5. Global Centroid Moment Tensor (Mekanisme Gempa bumi) 6. Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program (Data Dasar) 7. Open Street Map (Basemap) 8. ESRI Mapserver (Basemap) Penghargaan: 2016 - Kementerian ESDM Innovation Award #1 Best Aplication2017 - Kemenpan RB Top 99 Inovasi Pelayanan Publik MAGMA Indonesia is an application that presents information and recommendations, as quasi real-time regarding geological disaster in Indonesia including Volcano, Land Movement, Earthquake and Tsunami. This application is developed independently by PNS Development Team at the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. MAGMA Indonesia was built to serve the people of Indonesia and the international community. MAGMA Indonesia is a newly developed breakthrough Indonesia in the context of geological disaster mitigation efforts. Features information: 1. Information Volcano Activity (Volcanic Activity Report / VAR). This information is an early warning system for volcanic processed from the data reporting routine Observer Volcano and staff Mitigation of Volcanic Indonesia into information such as location maps, basic data, the data on visual observations and instrumental, the status of the activity level, recommendations for the residents and visitors who move around volcanoes, the name of the report's authors and source data. 2. Information Eruption / Volcanic Ash to Flight (Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation / Vona). This information is an early warning system for volcanoes to flight safety (national / international) which passes through the territory of Indonesia contains information map location and time of occurrence explosion / blast of volcanic ash, the color code (the alert level), the height of the eruption column, the direction of the spread of volcanic ash, authorship reports and data sources. 3. Information status volcanic activity levels overall. 4. Information and Response Earthquake / Tsunami (On Earthquake Response / ROQ) which presents the basic information such as a map of the location and time of occurrence, magnitude, depth, a symbol of the earthquake mechanism in the vicinity of an earthquake, the name of a nearby volcano and earthquake epicenter data sources. Other information that can be provided (but not always) in the form of earthquake intensity (MMI) and the response contains a description, condition of the area, mechanism, impact, and the name of the report's recommendations. 5. Information and Land Movement incident response / Avalanche (mitigation of ground movement / SIGERTAN) containing information on a map location and time of occurrence, impact, conditions of the affected areas, the condition of the soil movement, appearance / dimensions, causes, recommendations authorship of reports and sources data. 6. Press Release (Press Release). Geological disaster information presented in list form. 7. Search the name of the location of geological disasters. 8. Disaster Prone Areas Map Download Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami and Vulnerability Zone Map and Map Potential Land Movement. Interactive features: 1. Map of geological disasters which displays the distribution of site types of geological disasters including information include the distance between the position measuring algorithm Users with geological disaster site. 2. Disaster Report (Community Reporting System). Media for the public to report geological disasters in the vicinity as well as derived from information / news reliable. 3. Report of earthquakes were felt (Report of earthquake intensity / LINE). Media for the public to report earthquakes are felt. 4. Geological Disaster Notification settings. Users can set the desired geological disaster notification in accordance with the hazard potential in the region. Source of data used MAGMA Indonesia applications: 1. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Baseline Data and Report Response) 2. Meteorology and Geophysics (Location Earthquakes) 3. The United States Geological Survey (Location Earthquakes) 4. Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (Location Earthquakes) 5. Global Centroid Moment Tensor (Mechanisms Earthquakes) 6. Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program (Baseline) 7. Open Street Map (Basemap) 8. ESRI Mapserver (Basemap) Appreciation: 2016 - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Innovation Award # 1 Best Application2017 - Top 99 RB Kemenpan Public Service Innovation.
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