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BN Pro BT Battery Level Icons

BN Pro BT Battery Level Icons

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Developer's DescriptionBy Shkil/larryvgsThis is an *ADDON* package for Battery Notifier Pro BT 1.3.6 or higher. addon...This is an *ADDON* package for Battery Notifier Pro BT 1.3.6 or higher. addon does nothing on its own and requires Battery Notifier Pro BT 1.3.6 or higher to run.)For users who prefer a traditional battery icon without text, but one that is more accurate showing the loss of charge than the indicator built into their device.Because of the limits on the size of the icon, these icons can only display a change for every 5% in charge level.The color of the battery at various charge levels is fixed and is based on the battery charge level percentage left.Green: 100-55, Blue: 50-35, Orange: 30-20, Red: 15-0These icons are also good for users of some Motorola phones and other models that only show battery charge levels in 10% increments, however please be aware that as of Battery Notifier 1.47 there now is a 1% Motorola fix included!NOTE: Because these icons only display battery charge level changes for every 5% change, and because their color levels are fixed, they can not be used with the custom blue, orange and red text color level options in Battery Notifier Pro BT.This is the first version for the combined vertical and horizontal battery level icons in one addon, which also includes separate icon styles for both black and white status bars. It replaces the previous separate vertical and horizontal battery level addons.One style icon has a colored border which matches the color level of the battery, and the other has a black border. Users with white status bars may prefer either the black or the colored border, while users of black status bars are more likely to prefer the icon with the colored border.ICON ADDONS AVAILABLE:Black text text text on white square text on black square solid battery w/white text (No border) solid battery w/black text (Black border) battery level w/white text (Black border) battery level w/white text B (Colored border) battery level w/black text (Colored border) multi-colored battery no text (Black and colored borders)(4 sets - 2 vertical and 2 Horizontal for black or white status bars) Narrow Legacy Transparent Colored Text(Can be used with custom color level option) Narrow XL Legacy Transparent Colored Text(Can be used with custom color level option) Legacy Transparent Colored Text(Can be used with custom color level option) Battery Notifier Pro BT 1.3.6 or higher.Keywords:bnbt-icons-addonRecent changes:Works with new option to hide icon in the notification drop down areaContent rating: Everyone
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