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Developer's DescriptionBy Nicholas WorkshopA simple and beautiful music player.Please give me comments, thank you a lot XD. Please aware that this is NOT a whole ZUNE style app! But a style...A simple and beautiful music player.Please give me comments, thank you a lot XD. Please aware that this is NOT a whole ZUNE style app! But a style that I think is the best for an music player app. Please don't compare it with a ZUNE HD or ZUNE PLAYER APPLICATIONS. Otherwise GTFO.Development Blog:http://nicholasworkshop.wordpress.comOfficial Website:http://nicholasworkshop.comFeatures:Pretty tab menu.Music player basic functions.No more mis-grouping albums and songs.No more stretched images.Contain functions like shuffle mode and repeat mode.Player will pause when headphone is unplugged or when calling arrives.Instant play: random song will be played when headset button is clicked and InstaMusic is not startedVersion 1.3.2: * Adjusted layout at artist biography. * Fixed bug to show album background.Version 1.3.1: * Adjusted paddings at menu bar and notification. * Fixed and not to play paused song after calling. * Fixed to use the default repeat mode while shuffling all. * Fixed the non-updating play button in lock screen player. * Fixed some random closure.Version 1.3.0: * Added lock screen player. * Enhanced performance while clearing cache. * Added biography in artist page * Debug mode enabling doesn't require restart. * Instantly enable headset control setting. * Fixed and removed extra item in genre with no music inside. * Music library will be opened when menu is pressed in now playing. * Rewrote media filter system, allowing custom music location. * Disabled secondary location. * Fixed many bugs on pausing music while calling. * Enhanced sensibility of seek bar finally. * Fixed some more bugs which produce random closure. * Adjusted library layout to remove some strange gaps.Version 1.2.1: * Fixed another crashing bug which contributes the random closure. * More description in media filter setting.Version 1.2.0: * Click headset button twice to iterate next song. * Click headset button triple times to iterate last song. * Fixed crashing bug during background music playing, which caused the random closure. * Horizontal now playing screen. * Rewritten slider ui in the setting screen for better usage. * Fixed headset button click miscounted due to plugging.Version 1.1.1: * Fixed the background not updating bug. * Fixed the minor bug which caused the crashes. * Slightly adjusted the layout for some pages.Version 1.1: * Redesigned launcher and status bar icons * Instant play: random song will be played when headset button is clicked and InstaMusic is not started * Fixed bug that no notification shown when song changes * Added Playlist which synchronized android playlists (not editable for now) * Added Artist list in album * Added Artist list in genre * Click headset button once to toggle pause * Added setting to toggle headset control * Added default mode for shuffle and replication in settingVersion 1.0.2: * Clickable menu item * Fix menu snapping bug * will open when about is click in setting * Wallpaper will not be cleared when cache is cleared. * Fixed bug that background doesn't load when song is first played. * Added toggle in setting to toggle the library background visibility.Version 1.0.1: * Fixed music pausing bug * Fixed bug to open now playing with no song * Fixed bug such that music should stop after playing the last song * Fixed minor bug that now playing screen will be opened when notification is clicked * Fixed bug that the app crashed when back is pressed during song playingVersion 1.0: * First release. * Pretty tab menu. * Music player basic functions. * Contain functions like shuffle mode and repeat mode. * Player will pause when headphone is unplugged or when calling arrives.Recent changes:Adjusted layout at artist biography.Fixed bug to show album background.Content rating: Everyone
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