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Developer's DescriptionBy V-GANDEVartDSLR cameras for Canone...DSLR cameras for CanoneCanone DSLR cameras are the most camera users, because they have a sophisticated and good lens, of course, when compared to other brands of DSLR cameras. So that many DSLR camera users prefer the Canone brand than other brands.For those of you who like to take photos via a smartphone, we present a good and sophisticated camera in a special design for your smartphone for the quality of your shots such as a canone camera,by sharing special feature features such as those in the original camera so that it will support your activities in taking photos in nature or wherever and whenever,=> Automatic Mode / Mode Automatic=> Portait Mode=> Macro Mode=> Lanscape mode=> Sports Mode=> Night mode=> Semi Automatic ModeAperture Priority Mode (A or AV)=> Shutter Priority Mode (S or TV)=> Program Mode=> Automatic Depth Field (A Depth)=> Full Manual Mode / Manual Mode=> And full effectThis application also provides the following features for compatible cameras.Get location information from a smartphone and add to pictures on the camera.=> Switch to Wi-Fi connection from status pairing with a Bluetooth enabled camera (or from touch operation with an NFC-enabled camera)=> Release the remote shutter camera with a Bluetooth connection.
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