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Developer's DescriptionBy Government of MaltaIl-maltapps tipprovdi aess gas-servizzi tal-Gvern, kullimkien 24 siega kuljum.Il-maltapps tipprovdi aess gas-servizzi tal-Gvern, kullimkien 24 siega kuljum.Dan bala parti mill-istrateija ta biex iib is-servizzi tal-gvern eqreb lejn hija l-aenzija li tibor is-servizzi kollha tal-gvern flimkien ma maltapps li hija l-mService ta tipprovdi viibbilt u aess gall-mServices kollha ppubblikati mill-Gvern ta Malta. Tippermetti lill-utent jelenka s-servizzi kollha ppubblikati kif ukoll il-kapait li jinstalla u jniedi l-apps rispettivi, direttament mill-app maltapps.Biex niffailitaw l-identifikazzjoni tal-mServices, kull servizz ie kklasifikat tat 12-il settur, li jirrappreentaw id-diversi entitajiet u dipartimenti tal-Gvern._______________________________________maltapps provides access to government services, anywhere and anytime.It is part of servizz.govs strategy to bring government services closer to the is the agency bringing all government services together with maltapps being the servizz.govs mService.The maltapps provides visibility and access to all Malta Government published mServices. It allows the user to enlist all published mServices as well as the ability to install and launch the respective apps directly from within the maltapps app.To facilitate the identification of mServices we have classified each service under 12 sectors, representing the various Government entities and departments.
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