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The Mariners Seafarers App

The Mariners Seafarers App

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Developer's DescriptionBy The Sailors Home and Mission to SeafarersThe Mariners Seafarers App is a useful place for seafarers to access a full range of help, advice and support when visiting the Port of Hong Kong.The Mariners Seafarers App is a useful place for seafarers to access a full range of help, advice and support when visiting the Port of Hong Kong. Information included on the app provides full details of our services as well as news and advice for life at sea and useful contacts for maritime welfare centres around the world. The Mariners team of chaplains, volunteers and staff seek to provide seafarers with: Local Information & advice; Help with sim-cards & wifi access; Religious services on board ship; Shuttle service in the container port; Visiting at the anchorage by launch; Shuttle to/from KaiTak cruise terminal; Downtown drop in centre; Confidential advice & counselling.The Mariners in Hong Kong is an organisation made up of four charitable groups. The Mission to Seafarers in partnership with the Apostleship of the Sea, Danish Seamens Church and German Seamens Mission work together to provide pastoral and spiritual support to all seafarers. We operate a seafarers club at the container terminal, a drop-in centre in Tsim Sha Tsui in the heart of the shopping district, a shuttle bus from the Kai Tak Cruise terminal and a Launch visiting ships in the Anchorage.Our historyThe Mariners' first Mission (Sailors Home) in Hong Kong was built at West Point in 1863. It was replaced by a larger building in Wan Chai in 1933 and moved to Tsim Sha Tsui in 1967 with a second clubhouse at the container terminal in Kwai Chung that opened in 1975. In 1969 the Roman Catholic Apostleship of the Sea joined us in association, followed by the Danish Seamens Church in 1981 and the German Seamens Mission in 1995.
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