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i Explore Telangana

i Explore Telangana

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Developer's DescriptionBy Govt of Telangana, YAT&C departmenti Explore Telangana is a unique app that provides useful information...i Explore Telangana is a unique app that provides useful informationfor tourists regarding available healthcare services, publicamenities, important helpline numbers, buses, metro rail and traintimings and many more.The app serves to highlight Telangana state as a safe and securedestination for the guests arriving here, to explore its heritage andculture, whilst offering them a host of information on a single mobileapp.Telangana state, in particular Hyderabad offers a host of destinationsfor tourists to explore in the categories of heritage, wildlife,nature, divine destinations and others. The app enables tourists toexplore distance and other important details related to eachdestination. It also helps to plan their itinerary and other aspectsof trip.Telangana is home to many popular attractions and tourists arrive fromall over the country and the world every year. The I Explore app helpsvisitors to plan their trip and mode of travel and other details, toexplore these attractions as part of their tour. There is exhaustiveinformation available related to each destination.The app provides tourist-centric services by integrating differentgovernment departments unique services offered to citizens. The appIntegrates and improves services for foreign independent travellers(FIT) and local tourists including travel information, ticketingsystems, public transport services, Parks, Parking and public toilets (GHMC), Travel by L& T Metrorail, SCR, RTC, Health Dept, first aid, vaccinations, Safety &Security by police department etc.The App features an option where tourists can instantly get updatedinformation regarding different leading currencies all over the world,with respect to the exchange rate with Indian Rupee. The option comesin handy for international tourists and NRIs visiting Telangana state,who can avail best features through the I Explore app.Telangana Tourism offers Haritha resorts for quality stay, while thereare hundreds of other hotels offering stay option for tourists. The IExplore App helps tourists to locate the resorts at their destinationof choice, including booking, contact information and other detailsrelated to the stay.There is a help desk option for tourists who want to explore moreinformation related to their trip to different destinations inTelangana state. Users can directly get in touch with the help deskthrough this app, to seek information and plan their trip to variousplaces of interest.Telangana Tourism offers many attractive tourism packages to touristswho wish to explore several attractions in the state. The I Exploreapp provides option to choose from different packages, book them andexplore the destinations.Shopping is an important activity of tourists and the exclusive ITelangana App helps tourists to explore the different options andarenas available close by and elsewhere for shopping and guides themthrough GPS. The feature helps tourists to plan their shopping whilstexploring the destinations of tourist importance.There is also information offered through the app related to forests,police department, health services, emergency, rescue and otherimportant departments, which provides a completely new experience tothe tourists.
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