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Developer's DescriptionBy YURI ATAEVIf you use Android 6 Marshmallow or above, enable memory access permission...If you use Android 6 Marshmallow or above, enable memory access permissionmanually for this appplication to run in task manager mode, please!Otherwise this application can't run normally in Marshmallow.No problems to run in other Android OS.SQL RDBMS (ATABASE), the SQL relational database management systemcomplex application for Android OS provides the next:- Creating any simple or complex relational dabases- Renaming or delete databases- Runing any simple or very complex SQL queries- Calculation any complex mathematical expressions in SELECT queries- Creating VIEWs in databases by any SQL SELECT queries- Browsing any table of a database as a table form- Browsing any VIEW of a database as a table form- Backuping and restoring any database- Importing CSV files into new tables in a database (Windows 1251 code page for now)- Exporting tables of databases as CSV files (Windows 1251 code page for now)- Checking out any databases structure (tables and VIEWs)- Checking out any tables structures in any databases- Checking out SQL SELECT queries content of any VIEW- SQL queries templates list provided for quick learn SQL and to try- SQL Script Master mode to run any SQL script file and check the execute result list- SQL queries constructor mode to simplify the design SQL queries process- Up to 100 last successfull SQL commands save list to retry and memory- Scripting database modes to script database structure, data of a database or database in whole- Primary key consdtraint check for all data types- SQL join RELATIONAL ALGEBRA for join tables on all types of colums data- Reporting and sharing reports created of VIEWs data sets- Creating charts of VIEWs numeric data sets for visual qualitative representation- Creating normalized data BAR,GRAPH and PIE charts of any numeric column data of a VIEW.- TIME and DATE types components in WHERE logical expressions use.- Multi level ordering feature for all types of columns and for any component of DATE and TIME types.- Multi level grouping feature for all types of columns and for any component of DATE and TIME types- Unusual use of universal function LIKE in WHERE logical expressions. See WEB site for explanations.Data types supported in columns of tables are:int - integerpkint - integer with primary key constraint checknumeric - real number (with dot)pknumeric - real number (with dot) with primary key constraint checkvarchar - any string data as 'This is string data'pkvarchar - any string data with primary key constraint checkdate - date like 'yyyy.mm.dd', 'yyyy/mm/dd', 'yyyy-mm-dd' where yyyy - year, mm - month, dd - day numberpkdate - date with primary key constraint checktime - time as 'hh:mm:ss' where hh - hour, mm - minute, ss - secondpktime - time with primary key constraint checkpicture - same as varchar with '.jpg', '.png', '.bmp' at the end of string like 'Picture1.jpg'pkpicture - picture with primary key constraint checkPrimary key constraint check for column of a table is check for uniquenessof data for that column in the table. That rule is for every column withprimary key constraint check but not for column data combinations constraint chectif two or more colums have primary key constraint in this application.Mathematical functions available are:PI() - pi numberE() - e numberRANDOM() - random numberASIN() - arc sinusASIN() - arc cosinusATAN() - arc tangentSIN() - sinusCOS() - cosinusTAN() - tangentCBRT() - cubic rootSQRT() - square rootexp2() - square exponentexp() - natural exponentlog10() - base 10 logarithmlog() - natural logarithmabs() - absolute valuedegrees() - convertion into degreessradioans() - convertion into radiansrint() - round into integerround() - round double presision numberceil() - truncate into whole integerfloor() - truncatesign() - convert double presision natural number into integer 1 with a sign