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Vpn One Click

Vpn One Click

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Editors' staffNovember 12, 2018Vpn One Click makes it extremely easy to establish a secure and private Internet connection from your Android phone or tablet. Bravotelco's free app lets you enjoy the many advantages of a virtual private network (VPN) connection where you really need it. Both the app and network access are free, though paid services such as faster connections are available.ProsEasy VPN: Vpn One Click scans for available proxy networks. With a tap, we could establish a random or proxy connection, or choose a specific nation by tapping the flag.Hide your IP: Going online through a VPN hides your actual IP address. Web sites, snoops, and hackers see the IP address provided by the VPN.Two places at once: Your IP address appears to originate in the country of the VPN you choose, which lets you access blocked content like TV shows.ConsSpeed bump: While Vpn One Click creates a new connection for your device, it still connects the same way, via Wi-Fi or your phone provider; and rerouting your traffic through a VPN server might slow your connection speed.Disconnection: Disconnecting from a VPN took more than one attempt on occasion, and Vpn One Click still displayed the VPN's IP and location -- not ours.Bottom LineMany users enjoy the security and anonymity of VPN connections on their home PCs or laptops, but we're happy to see it implemented so well in Android.
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