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Shamrock's Gold

Shamrock's Gold

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Editors' staffAugust 20, 2015This game puts a St. Patrick's Day spin on Minesweeper. Shamrock's Gold creates a sprightly atmosphere with festive music, a cursor that trails gold pixie dust, and a leprechaun as a host. The gameplay remains traditional, although in this version you have to clear a field without disturbing the leprechaun's pots of gold. If you fail and uncover a gold stash, the field blows up and the game ends. You can play at various levels, from easy to advanced, differentiated by the size of the playing grid. The window displays the number of pots of gold that remain. The game features an informative tutorial marred only slightly by the fakey Irish dialect, and you can configure the interface and sound. Shamrock's Gold takes Minesweeper to a new level in terms of design.
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