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Hot Chix 'n' Gear Stix

Hot Chix 'n' Gear Stix

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Developer's DescriptionBy Small RocketsTake on the tough roads with six of the hottest driving chix in a game.Move over Daisy Duke. Hot Chix 'n' Gear Stix is a high-adrenalin 1970s chicks and muscle-car racer. It is six of the hottest chicks in town fighting some of the toughest muscle in the U.S. C'mon, jump in, go for a spin and you can see how well they handle. Hey, who knows were you'll end up. The full version of the game includes: funky 1970s music; three massive tracks that can be raced both forwards and backwards; six beautiful chicks including Daisy Lipsey and Sharon Sharalike; six meaty muscle cars; realistic physics, including handbrake powerslides; time trial and championship modes; cool special effects, such as volumetric fog and environment mapping; a sextet of superchicks and all the hot rubber you can handle.
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