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Developer's DescriptionBy Voice Tech GroupControl PC Games, PC applications, open web pages, videos, files by voice.1. Play PC games by speaking instead of using your keyboard. Create a profile for a PC game. Then populate your new game profile with speech commands. Each speech command can be associated(keybind) to a keystroke or series of keystrokes. Then you run your game and tazti at the same time. Open the profile in tazti and your speech commands work in the game. Tazti is an excellent game utility. Great even if you want to use your hands and speak some tuff to reach keyboard commands. 2. Control PC applications and programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator and many others via speech command. You can keybind your speech commands to a keystroke or groups of keystrokes on your keyboard. This is very helpful especially when you need to hold down many keys at the same time. All you need to do is create a profile for the application. Then populate your new application profile with speech commands you create. Then easily associate(keybind) the new speech commands to a keyboard keystroke or series of keystrokes you would make. Tazti is the latest in automation software. Download other user's program and game profiles they shared to the tazti server for free and save the time of creating a profile. As well you can upload your favorite profiles. 3.Create up to 300 additional custom speech commands of your own choice and associate each to one of... a web page, file, folder, video, song, batch file, program or a program with command line parameters. Then speak the speech command and the associated web page, file, folder, video, song, batch file, program or program with command line parameters will open/run. 4. Voice Mouse Clicker: Incorporated in this software are the speech commands "mouse click" and "mouse double click". When tazti is running move your mouse cursor where you want it to click then speak either of the speech commands and the action is performed. Additional "PC control" speech commands are also included such as "context menu", "copy", "cut", "paste", "media player", "go windows explorer". Currently comes bundled with US, GB, AU and Canadian English packs. US English is default. Follow instructions to install other English packs.