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Developer's DescriptionBy RobloxPlay a city life simulation game based on a popular online Web site for kids.Play a city life simulation game based on a popular online Web site for kids. MeepCity is a game on Roblox created by the user Alexnewtron. This game exists mainly for roleplay and entertainment, however it is also a fun game to play if you have free time. Such things as Estates, Furniture, Gardening, Fishing, and more exist within the game.Estates provide a place for players to express their imagination and creativity, in the form of customizing your own home exactly the way you want it. Using blueprints, you can upgrade your estate's layout and add more furniture.Furniture is another aspect of creativity within the MeepCity game. All furniture items are purchasable within the Furniture store located in the Playground. Once you've purchased Furniture, you can place it in your home wherever you'd like.
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