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Dark Colony demo

Dark Colony demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy Strategic SimulationsGet ready to battle aliens on the planet Mars. In the near-future world of Dark Colony, your mission is to finish the bitter war between a repulsive alien race and human colonists on planet Mars. Decide between humanity's superior robotics and cybernetics, and the frighteningly advanced genetic technology of the alien competition. This game features some of the impressive 3D graphics, lighting effects, explosions, and gallons of blood all supported by cutting-edge MMX technology.Among the game's features are a special lighting engine that gives it great shadow and special effects, three types of artificial intelligence, and the ability to engage in network play with eight players via modem, LAN, or online. The demo allows you to take part in an action-packed scenario that takes off screaming. Play on both human and alien sides. Both teams can use standard fighting and reconnaissance units. This small demo does not include the introductory AVI movie file.
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