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Domain Tools Lite  10

Domain Tools Lite 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy olgun.orgDomain Tools Lite is a simple tool to make whois queries to various whois servers.Domain Tools Lite is a simple tool to make whois queries to various whois servers. This tool uses your internet connection and sends queries to whois servers directly. We do not record your queries. In version, we added domain lists page which enables you to add your domain list to this application and filter it by key word. You can also make whois queries on your filters. For example, you can add a domain list from backorder companies " Available Soon " domain lists and add it to this app. Supported TLDs ac, as, ag, am, at, ae, ai, au, ax, az, ba, be, br,, bg, bj, bo, by, bz, ca, cat, cc, cd, ch, ci, ck, cl, cn,, co, co. nl, cx, cy, cz, de, dk, dm, dz, ec, ee, eu,, edu, eg, es, fi, fo, fr, gd, gb,, gb. net, ge, gg, gi, gl, gm, gr, gov, gs, hk, hn, hu,, ht, ie, il, im, in, io, ir, is, it, je, jobs, jp, ke, ki, kr, kz, la, li, lt, lu, lv, ma, mc, md, me, mg, ms, mu, mx, my, na, ng, nl, no, nu, nz, pe, pl, pm, pr, pt, re, ro, ru, sa, sc, se, sg, sh, si, sk, sm, so, st, tc, tel, tf, th, tk, tl, tm, tp, to, tr, travel, com. tr, net. tr, org. tr, gov. tr, edu. tr, tv, tw, ua, net. ua, co. uk,, uk. net, us,, uy, uz,, vc, vg, wf, ws, xxx, yt, com, net, org, biz, info, coop, aero, name, museum, pro.
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